Freckle Sandwiches

My kids as sandwiches…including freckles. My husband called these “Easter Island” sandwich heads.

Here is one way to ensure lunch is gobbled up.  I’ve seen so many wonderful photos of  Japanese lunches lately.  Their food is made with such care it’s so contagious!  I don’t know if a Japanese mom makes them that way every day, but either way they are pretty amazing to look at and certainly inspiring.  Bento boxes are getting pretty popular again and I hope the fresh food comes with it.

Yes, I am aware blueberries are out of place in this sandwich, but what’s a mom to do when you have no olives to slice and you are in need of sandwich eyeballs?  I rest my case. Blueberries it is.

I have found that kids will eat the very same foods they pretend to dislike in completely different forms (even though we still have them eat them with a smiling face and excitement to grow big and strong).

Example:  Turkey Sandwich with cheese and tomato

Turn into: sliced cheese, pieces of sliced turkey, tomatoes and whole wheat crackers arranged on a plate for them to create with.

Turn into: cheese quesadillas with turkey, diced tomatoes (add some chives for color and dash of vitamin K).

Turn into: cracker pizzas with a cracker as a base.  Add turkey, cheese, a slice of tomato.  Microwave or melt ingredients until just softened and add some fresh chopped basil (note: adding it before microwaving will result in ugly brown basil. blech).

Turn into: snail wraps which are all the above common ingredients in a tortilla wrap.  You slice the wrap once rolled and add a cornichon (read small) pickle  for the snail head. Put the roll on its side and attach the pickle to it with a toothpick.

Prepare to go ‘awww’.

Turn into: panini it or make a  grilled cheese with it!  Kids LOVE melt-y cheese.

The food is basically the same regardless of the composition and kids love to have a litte bit of control so why does it matter how it gets inside? Right?

Peeps the other way

Look at those little cuties.  I love that they are not perfect because that means the kids were do them by themselves and making it their own sweet little way. I have to admit I was excited to finally get to use my hippo cookie cutter (eek!).


The possibilities extend as far as your cookie cutter collection.


Use up those superfluous sprinkles that have gathered in your cupboard.


The kiddos can dip cutters in cornstarch and squish it down until it can be squished no more. If you have a spray bottle you could spritz the marshmallows so that the sugar coats more evenly, but I was just enjoying the moment and didn’t want to flirt with perfection.


The best part of making your own peeps (besides eating the extra marshmallow pieces) is picking your favorite shape…like a hippo.


Maple marshmallow recipe adapted from this one:

4 envelopes unflavored gelatin

3 c. sugar

1 c. maple sugar

1/4 c. corn syrup (it can be all maple but I didn’t have enough)

1/4 tsp. salt

1/1/2 c. cornstarch

I’ve found that recipes either call for cornstarch or powdered sugar.  Powdered sugar leaves a more pleasant (read sweeter) effect, while cornstarch can be pretty plain (read tasteless).  However, powdered sugar will eventually absorb moisture and harden, while cornstarch keeps your marshmallows “pillow-y” soft. Bummer for the sweet-tooth crowd, but i guess there is enough sugar in these little fellas already.





Photo reel from a 5 year old

Sometimes it’s nice to give your camera to a 5 year old and just watch what happens.  You might be  amazed.

(it was a 50mm lens, hence the close-ups)

Old to New

I LOVE finding old things that are just aching to have life again.  This window (glass removed in this photo) is on its way to a wall in our home.  This project has been super easy to make and I just finished hanging it up yesterday (*smiles ear to ear*)!  Stay tuned!

Sea Salt Hot Chocolate

It rarely gets cold here in San Diego, but when it does we like to break out our cold weather kitchen tricks.

We knew we wanted cocoa, but needed a dash of  awesomeness.

Sea Salt Hot Chocolate

2 c. milk (I used whole for an extra creamy flavor)

3 T. cocoa powder

3 T. granulated sugar

dash of vanilla extract (homemade if possible…jump here for recipe)

dash of sea salt

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