Interview with Flipboard!


I’ve been having so much fun curating digital magazines for Flipboard over the last few months.  I’ve been a Flipboard user for as long as I’ve had an ipad, but I fell I’ve fallen in love with this new style of reading tutorials and recipes.  Basically, I read my content by “flipping’ through magazines created by myself or others.  I can go directly from the mag to the article being featured and then right back again to the magazine.  Personally, I find that it helps me get “lost” less on the internet and I waste less time opening multiple windows.  Also, as I read, I can “flip” the content directly into my own curated mags and share with my own readers.  So efficient, right?


Why is this different from Pinterest?

I get this question a lot when I share about these new Flipboard mags.  In my opinion, the ability to see the entire article, then go back to the original with one touch of my finger is invaluable.  I love it and it works soooo well for me.  I also look at these mags as an opportunity to start fresh and created these magazines to be something I use all the time myself.   Plus, they look clean and are peaceful to “flip” through. My Pinterest can be overwhelming and full of things I don’t care to look at.  Plus, YOU CAN SHARE THEM ONLINE NOW!!  I’m so excited to be able to share what I love with the rest of the interwebs!!

To hear more about how I use my Flipboard mags and why I love DIY, check out the Interview I did with Todd Lappin of Flipboard!  It was an honor to have someone ask questions about something I love!

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