Blackberry Love

I’m SO excited that after lovin’ on our blackberry plant for 2 years, we are going to have HUNDREDS of blackberries this year!!

What should I make?


Travel: The Luxuries of Camping

A beer at noon.


An outdoor bathroom with a panoramic view

An endless supply of walking sticks, sword sticks, and gun sticks

Free relaxation soundtrack courtesy of birds, bugs, and wind

Transportation provided

Moss and bark Television

Automatic insect repelling service

A full service outdoor kitchen

Enjoying the fruits of canning salsa last summer

Up-close and personal nature journalism

Fried chicken and mashed potatoes by a campfire

Nature’s forts…no assembly required

No cell, computer, or TV means uninterrupted relationship building

2 year olds: enough said.


Store-bought flower quick change

This week is teacher appreciation week (why this is right before school gets out and not in the thick of the school-year…i dunno) and Mother’s Day is on Sunday so this is a quick and affordable free (!) little change.

I happen to be prepping some flowers for our newly minted 6 year-old’s birthday party and started twisted the wrappings around (fresh and easy has really great flowers right now, by the way).  I thought it a definite waste to throw away the stuff!!  You know, it’s that delicate paper-y stuff between the plastic outer covering and the flowers themselves.

This –^

My first instinct was to take it upstairs  and make a super fast ruffle (yes, I am that crazy), but I’ve been trying to find ways to cut back on my projects so twisting seemed more appropriate.

I simply wrapped it around and knotted it twice until it was super tight.  Remember that it’s delicate, so be careful not to tear.  I “unpeeled” the pieces of the two ends and they just unfold into the shape of rosettes. You could knot it once and it would work out, mine was just a little long for me.

Short and sweet.

You could throw in these special edition Lily Pulitzer animal crackers for good measure.

Travel: Laguna Campground ’11


My wonderful husband picked out and drove us to this wonderful camping spot. Isn’t it beautiful?

Equipped with “bug catchers”, we set off on our first adventure.  I was on snake alert the whole time but was trying to enjoy it all just the same.

3 happy campers…literally.

O yes, the man and his fire.  I think men have a natural obsession with creating, maintaining, and controlling this process of oxidation.

Who says you can’t have good food whilst camping?  BBQ chicken, fingerling potatoes, and asparagus for us.  I boiled the veggies at the campsite then grilled them after with the chicken.

Next comes the big s’more finale.

The little bean has his first taste.

It’s funny how they always seem surprised by the stickiness.

My husband brought a growler of Racer 5 IPA for us to split…mmm.  It really hit the spot in those mountains!

This might be my favorite from the trip.  Little bean was enthralled with sticks or anything long that would serve as something a soldier might carry.   How do they learn this stuff at 2 1/2?

Goodnight, Sun.

The reason we have meaning

“Jesus said to him,

Have you believed because you have seen me?

Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

John 20:29

He Arose!

This was the very first holiday since having kids where I actually feel like the true meaning came before the rabbits and candy.  We don’t see the Easter bunny and I really don’t feel like my kids are missing out in any way.  It’s a check in the holiday box for most people, but really I just don’t see any amiable traits in a rabbit to be used as a good example for a kid.  Anyone remember the tortoise and the hare?  Loser.

I choose to follow Jesus because He is always enough when I could never be.

photo by Miss Faith

(btw, we still hide eggs and eat candy.  It’s a celebration, afterall!)

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